ACCESS Setup for General users

The following instructions are for general users of Anvil resources.

  • Navigate to the ACCESS User Registration.

    • Select the link in step 1 "Register with an existing identity".

    • In the dropdown under "Select an Identity Provider", click the "ACCESS CI" dropdown and in the long list of choices, look for your university there.

      • If you find your university, then select it and continue the steps below.

      • If you do not find your university, then (instead) follow the instructions here: Other University setup

        ACCESS CI Dropdown Menu
        Figure 1. ACCESS CI Dropdown Menu
    • Click "Log On".

    • Use your university’s 2-factor authentication scheme to log in.

    • Click "Begin".

      ACCESS CI Begin Button
      Figure 2. ACCESS CI Begin Button
    • Enter your name and your university email address.

    • Select your Home Organization and click "Submit".

      ACCESS CI Home Organization
      Figure 3. ACCESS CI Home Organization
    • Click the "Accept" button on the Invitation to Users page.

    • Agree to the Terms and Conditions, and click "Submit".

    • Make a note of your new ACCESS ID, and click "Yes" to get a password.

    • Make a password for your new ACCESS ID, and click "Submit".

      • Please don’t forget this last step: Navigate to the ACCESS User survey and enter your full name, email address, and the username you just created.

      • Timeframe: after you fill out the survey The Data Mine team still needs to add your ID to the ACCESS allocation. This process will be completed within 24-hrs.

      • If you attempt to login to and you see a failed to map user error, it is because your ID hasn’t been added to the allocation. If this hasn’t resolved in 24-hrs, please email